1. Welcome address by the President
2. To confirm the minutes of the 14th Annual General Meeting held on Saturday, 29 June 2019
3. To receive the Annual Report of the Management Committee for 2019~20
4. To receive and, if approved, adopt the Audited Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31st Dec 2019.
5. To Appoint a Certified Public Accountant as external Auditor. M/s Natrajan and Swaminathan has given his acceptance to be reappointed, if approved by the house.
6. To deal with any other business for which notice in writing has been received by the Secretary at least 7 days prior to the AGM.
7. To elect Office Bearers of the Management Committee for the period of 2020~2022.
8. To elect Committee Members of the Management Committee for the Period of 2020~2022
9. Vote of thanks.
10. Farewell message by outgoing president and welcome address by newly elected president.
Following documents are attached here with this Notice: ( Please click on the link below to see/download the attachment )
(1) Minutes of 14th AGM held on 29th june 2019
(2) Audited Statement of Accounts for period ended 31st Dec 2019
(3) Nomination Form for the Election of Office Bearers and Committee Members
(4) Secretarial report for Management Committee for 2019-20
Election Committee:
Election Committee has been formed with Mr Santosh Kr Tibarewala and Mr Suresh Chand Gupta as members, as per clause 7.11 (b) of the constitution.
Guidelines for Webinar:
AGM can be attended strictly by Members only.
- Members are requested to Log in to Webinar (Zoom) by name of Principal Member only.
- Members are requested to clear the dues by 23rd June 20 and only paid members will be allowed to attend the AGM
- To maintain to decorum and conduct AGM smoothly request members to send there questions 7 days prior to AGM to the Secretary.
- If any comment or question, members are requested to show there hand.
- Members will be requested to log in to Zoom on AGM day and wait in the waiting area. Upon verification Host will allow the member to enter the meeting.
With Best Wishes
Puneet Jain
Marwari Mitra Mandal (Singapore)